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Reflection Essay

Reflection Essay on my growth in my English Composition II class at Murray State College.

Ta’Nya Jones 

English Composition II

Professor Hammett

Reflection Essay 

30 November, 2023 

Word Count: 350

The Growth in My Writing 

At the beginning of this year, I thought I knew how to write an essay and cite my work correctly, but as the year went on I realized that I still had plenty to learn and work on. The first essay I did in English Comp II was an Argument Proposal essay about Rape on College Campuses. Before writing the essay I never fully paid attention to the assignments and lessons given to me to help and give me more skills to use in the essay. I assumed since I knew what website to use to cite my work and that I had a wide vocabulary I would easily receive an A on the assignment, but when Professor Hammett first returned the essay to me and my grade said 50/100 I was lost for words. What I struggled with the most was my reference page, which is ironic because I honestly thought that’s what I did best on. When it came to essays and using sources, such as websites or books, I thought that if I pulled information from a source and re-worded it I would just have to put the citation on the references page, I didn’t know in-text citations existed. For example, in the essay, before I completed any revisions, I stated that “in the 21st century, sexual assault incidents on campuses are at an all-time high; females, African Americans, and people in the LGBTQ community are the high-risk targets”, I came up with that statement by reading multiple different articles and putting the information into my own words. I soon learned that any statement I made had to be proved and the proof needed an in-text citation with it. That also ties in with the Point, Evidence, and Explanation (PEE) format that I’ve learned while being in this class. The PEE format gave me a simpler way to construct my essays and give them length. Once I got my references page and in-text citations together I received a final grade of  97/100 on my assignment which was the best college essay I’ve written so far. 

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