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Rhetorical Analysis

This is rhetorical analysis essay about Franz Kafka and Rape on College Campuses

Ta’Nya Jones

English Composition II

Professor Hammett

Essay 2 Rhetorical Analysis 

20 October, 2023

Word Count:

Kafka, an Advocate for Rape 

Franz Kafka, a short story and novelist author, is an absurdist who bases his work on the genre of fiction. He was the oldest of six and grew up in a Jewish family that lived in Prague (Donica, McEvoy, Piccotti, 2021). He struggled with relationships with his parents; neither of them understood his passion for writing, and his father was always angered with a temper (pg.1, 2021). In order to finally please his father, while in college, Kafka switched his major from chemistry to law, this also allowed him to have time to take art and literature classes (pg.1, 2021). After being engaged twice to his first girlfriend, he fell in love with Dora Dymant and lived together in Berlin (pg.1, 2021). In the years before Kafka contracted tuberculosis and died in 1924, his health was in a deteriorating shape. He suffered from depression, anxiety, migraines, boils, insomnia, and stress (pg.1, 2021). Kafka’s tiring lifestyle that drove him into depression suggests that he would be an avid advocate for rape on college campuses.

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